Saturday 31 December 2022

TRENTAL 400MG: How it improves blood circulation?

 Trental 400MG is a brand name for the drug pentoxifylline. This drug improves blood flow in patients with circulation problems. It is available in tablet form and is taken orally, usually three or four times a day. The usual advised adult dose is 400 mg three times a day. Although, the exact dosage may vary depending on the patient's condition and response to treatment. Trental can be used to treat a variety of conditions, including

       Peripheral arterial disease

       Intermittent claudication

       Diabetic neuropathy, among others

It is important to follow your healthcare provider's instructions for taking Trental and to report any side effects that you may experience.


Trental 400mg contains the active ingredient pentoxifylline. It treats symptoms of peripheral vascular disease, a condition in which the blood vessels in the limbs (usually the legs) become narrowed or blocked, leading to decreased blood flow. Trental 400mg is also sometimes used to treat other conditions, such as Raynaud's disease, which is a disorder that causes blood vessels in the fingers and toes to narrow in response to cold temperatures or stress.


The drug was first developed in the 1970s by Hoechst AG, a German pharmaceutical company. It was approved for use in the United States in 1984. It has been widely used to treat peripheral vascular disease and other conditions since that time. In recent years, Trental 400mg has also been studied as a potential treatment for other conditions, such as diabetic neuropathy and hepatic encephalopathy, but more research is needed to determine its effectiveness in these areas.


Here is a list of benefits that people may experience when taking Trental 400mg:


1.    Improvement in blood flow:

Trental 400mg works by dilating (widening) the blood vessels. As a result, it can help to improve blood flow to the limbs, mainly in people with peripheral vascular disease. This can help to reduce pain, fatigue, and other symptoms associated with this condition.


2.    Relief from Raynaud's disease symptoms

This drug may also be used to treat Raynaud's disease, which is a disorder that causes the blood vessels in the fingers and toes to narrow in response to cold temperatures or stress. By dilating the blood vessels, the drug may help to improve blood flow to these areas and reduce the frequency and severity of attacks.


3.    Potential to reduce the risk of amputation

In people with peripheral vascular disease, Trental 400mg may help to improve blood flow to the limbs and reduce the risk of amputation. It is a surgical procedure to remove a limb due to injury or disease.


4.    Improvement in physical function

Trental 400mg may help to improve physical function in people with peripheral vascular disease, allowing them to engage in more activities and improve their quality of life.


5.    Relief from diabetic neuropathy

Some studies have suggested that Trental 400mg may be effective in reducing pain and other signs of diabetic neuropathy. But, more research is needed to confirm this possible benefit.


It is important to note that Trental 400mg is not a cure for any of the conditions it is used to treat. It is a supportive treatment that can help to improve symptoms and reduce the risk of complications. Follow the advice of your healthcare provider when taking Trental 400mg.


Like all drugs, Trental 400mg can cause side effects in some people. Here is a list of harmful effects that may occur when taking this drug:


1.    Nausea

Trental 400mg may cause nausea, which is a feeling of discomfort or sickness in the stomach.


2.    Dizziness

Some people may experience dizziness or lightheadedness when taking this drug. This may be more likely to occur when standing up after sitting or lying down.


3.    Headache

Trental 400mg may cause headaches in some people.


4.    Flushing

This drug may cause a feeling of warmth or redness in the skin, especially on the face or neck.


5.    Rash or hives

This drug may cause a rash or hives (itchy, raised areas of the skin) in some people.


6.    Difficulty breathing

Trental 400mg may cause difficulty breathing in some people, especially those with asthma or other respiratory conditions.


7.    Abnormal bleeding or bruising

This drug may increase the risk of abnormal bleeding or bruising, especially in people taking other medications that can affect blood clotting.


Thus, it is vital to report any side effects to your healthcare provider. In most cases, these side effects are mild and can be managed with the right treatment. Yet, if you experience severe side effects or signs that are persistent or worsening, you should seek medical attention.



If you are experiencing side effects from Trental 400mg, there are a few things you can try to help manage them:


1.    Talk to your healthcare provider

Your doctor may be able to tell you the ways to manage the side effects you are experiencing, such as adjusting your dosage or switching to a different cure. It is important to follow your healthcare provider's advice and not make any changes to your drug regimen on your own.


2.    Take the medication with food

Taking Trental 400mg with food may help to reduce the risk of stomach-related side effects, such as nausea or vomiting.


3.    Drink plenty of fluids

Staying hydrated may help to reduce the risk of dizziness or lightheadedness.


4.    Use over-the-counter pain relievers

If you are experiencing headaches or muscle aches as a side effect of Trental 400mg, you may find relief with over-the-counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen.


5.    Avoid triggers for flushing

If you are experiencing flushing as a side effect of this drug, you may want to avoid hot beverages, spicy foods, and warm environments that could trigger this reaction.


6.    Avoid any activity that may raise your risk of bleeding

Trental 400mg may increase the risk of abnormal bleeding or bruising. So, you may want to avoid activities that could cause injury, such as contact sports. You should also tell your doctor about any other pills you are taking that could affect blood clotting.


It is vital to report any side effects to your healthcare provider. As they may be able to help you manage them or suggest alternative treatment options.


To use Trental 400mg for full benefits, follow the instructions of your doctor and take them as directed. Some tips for using this drug include:


1.    Swallow the tablets whole

Trental 400mg tablets should be swallowed whole with a glass of water.


2.    Never exceed or decrease the recommended dosage

Take the exact dose of Trental 400mg prescribed by your healthcare provider. Do not take more or less of the pill than directed. As this could increase the risk of side effects or reduce the effectiveness of the drug.


3.    Do not stop taking the medication without speaking to your healthcare provider

If you experience side effects or do not feel that the medicine is helping your condition, it is important to speak to your healthcare provider before stopping the remedy. They might be able to change your dose or advise different kinds of treatments.


4.    Keep all appointments with your healthcare provider

Regular follow-up with your healthcare provider is important to ensure that the drug is working effectively and to watch for any side effects.


By following these tips, you can help to ensure that you are effectively using Trental 400mg to manage your condition. Also, remember that it is not a cure for any condition and that it is only one aspect of treatment. Follow the advice of your healthcare provider and engage in other urged therapies, such as lifestyle changes or physical therapy, to help manage your condition.


Wednesday 21 December 2022

Get clearer and acne-free skin by using Vitamin A rich cream

Retin a cream is a type of Vitamin A that treats acne which comes as pimples or spots on your face, back, or chest. This cream also makes your rough skin smoother. You can reduce the fine lines/wrinkles that appear on your skin.

This cream reduces too much oil production underneath the skin. The correct time to apply this cream is at night time which is also suggested by the doctor.

The amount of cream you need and the duration depend on the skin condition you are taking treatment for.

Ideally, you need to wash and dry your affected area before you apply this cream. Use a thin layer of this cream and apply it to the affected area.

Do not put this cream on broken or damaged skin. Avoid contact with the nose, eyes, and mouth while putting on the cream. It can take many weeks to see improvement in your symptoms but continue using it without a break to see more benefits.

If you do not see any improvement in symptoms after a couple of weeks after using Retin a cream, speak to your skin specialist.

Do not apply more cream than recommended as it will not work faster but can elevate the side effects.

The common side effects of this cream are dryness, irritation, and skin redness. These symptoms will be mild and vanish after you get used to this cream.

Drink more water and apply a moisturizer if you find dryness in your eyes, lips, and mouth. If you see the symptoms are not going away for a longer time, discuss it with your skin doctor.

There are hardly any serious side effects of this cream.

Using this cream can make your skin extra sensitive to light. So, try not to go out in the hot sun. It can make your skin delicate. Do not go for waxing or laser treatments while using this cream.

Women planning to conceive or already conceived should not apply this cream. It can result in birth defects.




·       Helps treat Acne

·       Acute promyelocytic leukemia




Retin a cream helps clear the skin pores and treats acne. It also prevents the occurrence of pimples and spots.

You will have to wait for many weeks to see the visible results of this cream. So, keep applying it even if you do not see any results for a while.


At times the acne problem can be worse before it heals and gets better. Use this cream regularly to make your skin clearer.

The sooner you start applying it, there will be fewer chances of getting acne scars. This cream will help you feel confident with clear and acne-free skin. Do not use this cream for skin problems like sunburned skin or eczema.


Side effects


·       Skin Redness

·       Dry skin

·       Skin irritation

·       Dry lips

·       Extra sensitivity to light

·       Pale red skin


The above side effects are mild and they will go away after you are habitual to the cream.



Safety Advice for Retin a cream



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This cream is not safe for application during pregnancy. Human studies are less but animal studies have displayed some negative results on the growing baby. Let your physician determine the risks and benefits before prescribing it. So, speak to your medical professional.



This cream is safe for lactating mothers. Human data shows that the medicine is not harmful to the baby.



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No data or records were discovered.


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Speak to your healthcare professional if


·       You see dryness, severe irritation, or redness. The doctor may lower the frequency or dose of this cream. He may ask you to stop using this cream for a short period.

·       Avoid going out in the hot sun after you apply this cream to lower the risk of skin damage due to UV rays/sunlight.

·       Use an effective sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 15 and wear full clothes.

·       You are allergic to fish proteins as they can develop severe itching or red bumps (swollen) on your skin.

·       Do not use this cream on sunburnt skin as it can elevate the risk of excess irritation.


How to use Retin a cream?


·       Use this cream as told by your skin doctor

·       The cream is for external purpose

·       Put the cream on healthy skin free of wounds and cuts

·       Put a thin layer of this cream on the affected area.

·       Wash your hands before putting on this cream. (If the area to be treated is your hand itself do not wash it.)


Frequently Asked Questions


Can I go for cosmetic surgery while applying Retin a cream?

The skin doctor will tell you whether you can continue applying the cream or discontinue using it before undergoing cosmetic surgery.

Ideally, it is not advisable to go for laser treatment or hair removals while using this cream.

Please tell your skin specialist about all other drugs you are using before he starts the treatment with this cream. Also, speak to the skin specialist before you plan any cosmetic surgery.


Can I use this cream? Is it safe?


Yes. You can use Retin a cream after getting a prescription from the skin doctor. This cream is safe but like any other cream, this cream to has some side effects. But, not everyone who is using this cream will get the possible side effects. If you experience any unusual effects while using this cream, speak to your skin specialist.

What is the duration for applying the cream?

The skin specialist will determine the duration of the whole treatment with this cream for you. It depends on the severity of your skin conditions and reports of your laboratory tests. The treatment with this cream can continue for months.

I am using this cream and want to conceive during the treatment. What can I do?

You should speak to your medical expert if you want to conceive during treatment with this cream. Well, pregnancy is not advisable as this cream can harm the baby. If you do conceive while using this cream, discuss with your medical expert regarding your pregnancy.


Why does this cream result in dry lips, dry noses, and dry skin? How can I manage these side effects?

These are common side effects of Retin a cream which comprises dry nose, lips, and skin. This cream lowers the excess oil secretion which leads to dryness of the skin. Keeping the body hydrated by drinking enough water will also help manage these side effects. Retin a cream buy online from our pharmacy at good price.

 What are the precautions I need to take while using this cream?

After applying this cream, do not expose your skin to sunlight. Use an effective sunscreen with SPF 15 while going outdoors in sun. it will prevent skin damage. You should wear full clothing to conceal the areas of affected skin where you have applied the cream especially when you cannot avoid exposure to sunlight.

Is Retin a cream steroid?


No. It is not a steroid. It consists of keratolytic medicine which contains a metabolite of the vitamin.


Tell your doctor if you face severe skin sensitivity and dryness.


 Must read: Does Trental 400mg treat peripheral vascular disease?

Saturday 17 December 2022

Does Trental 400mg treat peripheral vascular disease?

Trental 400mg treats peripheral vascular disease (poor blood circulation to the arms and legs) and intermittent claudication(pain on walking or resting caused by poor blood circulation to the legs). It works by adding blood inflow to the arms and legs.

It reduces cramping in the legs that occurs while walking. This pill also has additional beneficial effects on alcohol-related liver damage. This drug should be taken regularly as advised by the doctor. 

It would help if you take it with food and at a fixed time. It would be best if you suddenly stopped it without consulting the doctor. This drug is only one part of a treatment program that should include a healthy diet, regular exercise, and smoking.

 It may cause side effects like nausea, puking, diarrhoea, headache, flushing ( sense of warmth in the face, cognizance, neck, and box), and weakness. The effectiveness of this pill varies on an individual basis. You must inform the doctor if you suffer from liver or kidney problems. Also, let your doctor know about all the other specifics you regularly use. This drug is not generally recommended during pregnancy or breastfeeding, so always consult your doctor.


 Usage of Trental 400mg  pill


  • Treats Peripheral vascular disease, which is poor blood circulation to the arms and legs
  • Intermittent claudication, which is a pain while walking or at rest due to poor blood circulation to the legs

 How does Trental 400mg work?

Trental 400mg works by thinning blood's consistency (density) and allowing it to pass more fluently through the blood vessels. This medicine is helpful in the treatment of peripheral vascular disease, wherein the blood vessels in the arms and legs are narrowed.

Medicinal Benefits Trental 400mg pill


It contains' Pentoxyfilline', a supplemental vasodilator that helps in the medical treatment to cure this disease. It can also increase the distance you can walk without pain since it improves your legs' blood rotation. It's recommended in cases whose pain has not improved even after life changes, like quitting smoking and doing regular exercise.

How to use Trental 400mg

Take Trental 400mg as advised by your doctor. You should directly swallow the pill with a glass of water. Don't crush or bite the drug. Your doctor will decide the correct cure and duration for you depending on your age, body weight and medical condition.


Side effects of these drops 

Common side effects: 


·         Nausea or puking

·         Abdominal pain

·         Bloating

·         Diarrhoea

·         Dizziness

·         Headache

·         Flushing


Uncommon side effects


·         Increased or dropped blood pressure

·         Heaviness or shortness of breath

Rare side effects: 

Stop taking Trental 400mg and communicate with your doctor in case you witness any of these side effects: 


·         Bleeding under the skin

·         Chest pain

Ways to manage some of these side effects


 Take this drug with or just after meals. Stick to a simple diet plan. Avoid eating rich and spicy food. Communicate with your doctor if nausea and vomiting increase. 



 Drink lots of fluids, like water or fruit, to keep you hydrated. Don't take any drugs on your own to treat diarrhoea. Communicate with your doctor if your diarrhoea didn't lessen.


 Stomach pain

 Try to take rest and relax. Eat and drink sluggishly or try to have lower and more frequent meals. Keep a heating pad on your stomach. However, communicate with your doctor, If the symptom doesn't lessen.


 Try to rest and relax. Get enough sleep. Avoid driving or operating any machines while you're feeling dizzy. Avoid drinking alcohol, as it can aggravate your dizziness. Instead, communicate with your doctor if your dizziness doesn't lessen.


You must store Trental 400mg medicine in a cool or dry place but keep it away from the sun. 

Missed or overdose on the pill 



Symptoms of an overdose may include low blood pressure, feeling sleepy, fits(seizures) or irregular twinkles, fever, hot flashes, aggression, etc. However, also communicate with your doctorincontinently or visit the nearest hospital, If you face any of these symptoms.

Missed a dose

Take it as soon as you remember, If you have missed any cure for this medicine. However, also skip the missed treatment and continue with your regular cure schedule, If it's time for your coming medication. Don't take a double cure of drugs to compensate for the missed one.

Important warnings


It isn't recommended for use in pregnant women. Always consult your medical doctor before taking this pill.


You can take Trental 400mg pill only, if necessary, as it may pass through breast milk. Therefore, it is advised to consult your Physician before taking this pill. 

Driving and using machines

Don’t drive or operate machines if you feel dizzy after taking this pill. 


You should use this pill with caution in cases having kidney problems, and your doctor may initiate the treatment with the smallest effective dosage. Therefore, consult your doctor before taking this pill.


It will help if you use it with caution in cases having liver problems. Do not consume this pill without consulting your doctor.

Heart problem

Trental 400mg isn't recommended for use in heart problems, severe pulse rates, or a recent heart attack. In addition, you should use it with caution in hardening or narrowing the arteries that supply blood to the heart. Do not take this pill without a doctor's consultancy


TRENTAL isn't recommended for use if you


·         You had a stroke with bleeding in the brain(cerebral haemorrhage)

·         You had eye bleeding(retinal haemorrhage)


Before taking this pill, inform your doctor if you face any of the mentioned problems: 


·         Feel dizzy, light-headed, or faint when standing or sitting up too snappily(hypotension)

·         Had surgery lately

·         Have peptic ulcers

·         Use in paediatrics


Special Instructions for this pill

Used by Children



It is generally unsuitable for children and kids under 18 years of age. Contact the child's doctor for advice before giving the pill.



Use in elders



You should use Trental 400mg cautiously in senior cases above 65 years of age. Generally, the treatment will be initiated with the smallest effective dosage depending upon order function, and your doctor may cover your order function throughout treatment with this medicine. Consult your doctor before taking this pill. 



Frequently Asked Question



Do I need to take any preventives during treatment with this tablet?


Yes, your doctor may ask you for regular blood tests, like to cover liver function tests during the treatment. It is because it may affect your liver.

It will help if you tell your doctor if you're formerly taking other specifics like antidiabetics, drugs used for high blood pressure or blood thinner drugs, etc. However, it may intrude with the working of this drug.


How long can I take this tablet?


You should take the pill for as long as a doctor has specified your dosage. However, inform the doctor but don't exceed the recommended duration without consulting a doctor if you don't feel any enhancement.


Can I stop taking this tablet if I see an enhancement in my condition?


Consult a doctor before stopping or modifying the cure. Else, it may worsen your condition, or the symptoms may reappear.


Is Trental 400mg a blood thinner?


No, it isn't a blood thinner. It contains pentoxifylline which belongs to the peripheral vasodilators class of drugs. It improves blood inflow.


When is the appropriate time to take this pill?


It would be appropriate if you take Trental with or after a meal. It will make it less likely to cause any stomach-related issues. But it's essential to take it simultaneously each day for maximum results. However, consult the doctor, If you need help deciding when to take it.


What's Trental 400mg used for?


It treats poor circulation of blood inflow to the limbs.



 Can I take this pill on my own?



 No, it's a specified medicine given by a doctor to help specific medical conditions. Taking it on your own can beget unwanted side goods.


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Pentoxifylline Er 400 Mg For Leg Pain

Trental 400mg is a brand name for Pentoxifylline ER 400mg. It treats leg and other pain caused by poor blood circulation. The tablet improve...